The turkey at the middle of the thanksgiving dinner table has a smirk because it knows no one can resist its taste and aroma. Everyone makes goo-goo eyes at the turkey but can’t do anything until it is time for it to be shared and each person is given his portion.
With this new month, all thoughts have been set on default to think of the holidays and with the holidays comes Giving. We can’t leave you without our own gift so we present to you a new series this month. And of course, our best storytellers will come your way with the very best of content. #wedon’tsettleforless.
Our series will be on (drumroll): GIVING LANGUAGES
Yhup, Giving Languages. Are you excited to delve deeper into it? Then hop on our train and enjoy this ride as we give you an educative and fun-packed tour this month.
To give snapshots of the series:
Our first week will highlight ...........
You may want to try to make a guess.
It interests you to know that this word is one of the greatest virtues in life. Something everyone needs and has the potential to make or break you. Indeed, it is sacrificial and binds us together.
Are those enough clues to make a guess? Got it yet? On what clue did you get it?
This series promises to be exhilarating and insightful. The clock is ticking and you do not want to be left behind at all. Stay tuned and see you on our first episode.